JUT Qilian Apartments
Taipei, Taiwan
The hillside apartments are designed like the compartments of a train that are separate yet connected. This allows the building to form a close dialogue with and appear less imposing against the backdrop of the surrounding landscape. The elevation is designed as a series of overlapping layers. The internal layer of glass windows allow natural light into the residences. External solid walls are clad in a combination of stones with colours ranging from off white to brown. Different materials are unified with a white steel frame, the combination expressing a rich visual play of solid and void.
位於山坡前的住宅為了採光,也為了看起來並不龐大,建築含蓄分段 - 猶如火車車廂既分開又是互相銜接。在處理立面也讓這實為三棟的樓宇,能和背後連綿不絕的青山,相互對話。住宅的立面,前、後,東西兩側,都有重疊的層次:比較裏內的立面,玻璃窗戶直接讓室內空間取得陽光,實牆部份砌有淺白色的花崗岩石,或鵝黃、棕褐色的唭哩砂岩。不同的建材由白色的鋼鐵框架結合起來,成為實與虛的交錯,在有如九宮格的鋼鐵白框架,建材色彩替換構成有趣的組合,豐富又柔和的視覺效果。
16-17 Duxton Hill
Singapore 089600
65 6423 0198
10 Bolton Road
London NW8 ORJ
44 20 7624 1602
Kallavi Sokak
No: 30/4 Beyoğlu İstanbul
90 212 252 4817
Declan Reilly
Hiroshi Kawakami
Chow Eng Khuang
Site Area:
Development Type:
JUT Group
Under Design Development
JUT Qilian Apartments
Taipei, Taiwan
The hillside apartments are designed like the compartments of a train that are separate yet connected. This allows the building to form a close dialogue with and appear less imposing against the backdrop of the surrounding landscape. The elevation is designed as a series of overlapping layers. The internal layer of glass windows allow natural light into the residences. External solid walls are clad in a combination of stones with colours ranging from off white to brown. Different materials are unified with a white steel frame, the combination expressing a rich visual play of solid and void.
位於山坡前的住宅為了採光,也為了看起來並不龐大,建築含蓄分段 - 猶如火車車廂既分開又是互相銜接。在處理立面也讓這實為三棟的樓宇,能和背後連綿不絕的青山,相互對話。住宅的立面,前、後,東西兩側,都有重疊的層次:比較裏內的立面,玻璃窗戶直接讓室內空間取得陽光,實牆部份砌有淺白色的花崗岩石,或鵝黃、棕褐色的唭哩砂岩。不同的建材由白色的鋼鐵框架結合起來,成為實與虛的交錯,在有如九宮格的鋼鐵白框架,建材色彩替換構成有趣的組合,豐富又柔和的視覺效果。